Terry Plus 12,1kW

Terry Plus 12,1kW

Hermetic pellet stove with ducting system and two different outlets. Three independent centrifugal motors: - 1 dedicated to front ventilation - 400 m3/h... VIEW MORE

Isotta Evo 11,9 kW

Isotta Evo 11,9 kW

Stove completely of cast-iron. Enameled cast-iron. Panoramic door. Ceramic glass resistant up to 750°C. Side loading door. Completely made from enameled... VIEW MORE

Lucia 12,1kW

Lucia 12,1kW

Ventilated pellet stove with majolica covering. New IR Touch Remote Control with Backlight Display. New touch display Black Mask with Wi-Fi connection... VIEW MORE

Isotta Forno Evo 9,7 kW

Isotta Forno Evo 9,7 kW

Stove completely of cast-iron. Enameled cast-iron. Panoramic door. Enameled oven. Side loading door VIEW MORE

Nicoletta Forno Evo 9,1kW

Nicoletta Forno Evo 9,1kW

External facing of majolika. Emailed oven. Ceramic glass resistant up to 750°C. Extractable wood drawer. VIEW MORE

America 11,6 kW

America 11,6 kW

Wood burning cooker with large firebox and large oven. VIEW MORE

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